fact or fiction, science or fantasy ...


4 hours sleep, 1 hour on the laptop and then 2 hours sleep .. so back on track.  Breakfast was included in the Shinjuku Washington and my word did we give it full attention. Didn't eat as much as I would have liked yesterday and due to the variety and difference of choices at breakfast I managed to turn it into a 3 meals in one experience.

Might have tried almost everything on offer a real fusion of eastern and western options.  Started with a bit of yoghurt and fruit, accompanied by some mind settling pear juice, and a smoothie that felt like a dessert before we has started. Gorgeous.  Then a little bit of everything sausages/bacon, noodles, mackerel, salmon, chicken, soy sauce, a melting pot of cultures that melted in my mouth.  Back to mainstream with a milky coffee and toast, jam and danish pastry. I had noticed bottles of wine so a thimble full and a bit of curry and chips, that took me back to Saturday mornings in Loughor Boating Club.  (not so much the wine)  Another coffee, a muffin, and did I really need to eat anything either today or my entire time here?

We needed to check out of the hotel, so a few room shots, duck when the camera was out.  It was a great choice of hotel (thanks Jayne, our lovely friend at Trailfinders who made the size of the rooms very clear!) and we probably should have stayed 2 nights, a false economy maybe....  we left our luggage to go exploring..

Back on my list of things to do was find a shrine to someone important. We hit the jackpot eventually, after winding and (getting lost) in various back streets of Tokyo.  Back streets of Tokyo are as friendly as the front streets and a reminder that perhaps that the manners and civility in the east are something us westerners could all learn a little from. A fella got up later in the day on the train without saying anything and just moved somewhere else in the carriage so we could all sit together as a family. We were happy to stand!

The shrine, another recommendation of Jonny JJ Jones a Japanese warrior in a former life (and perhaps looking to return to one in this life) Meiji Jingu a place of peace and tranquility to a former emperor. Shinto the most popular 'religion' in Japan just ahead of Buddhism. Religion in general not my thing, but perhaps as indicators of culture, these 2 get the nod from me in what they set out in their doctrines.  We can have the more detailed discussions offline, as I often do with many who are reading this blog.  Carys disappointingly quiet what with her A Level RS and all!

We took a little break, I decided green was the colour. A green tea ice cream and melon soda (another JJ recommendation I think) very much hit the spot and allowed us to get our bearings.  A nearby street, the Tokyo equivalent of Carnaby/Camden I guess had piqued the girls interest, so we had a wonder up the amusingly named Takeshitastreet Nothing of the villainy of Mos Isley but a bit of Japanese alternative culture for the young uns.

We had walked our legs off, so we ventured onto the metro for the first time to go and pick our bags up from the hotel. The metro would now be our frenemy for the next hour or so as we transferred hotels, walking up streets, lots of changes to effectively move 5k. Shouldn't have bothered, with our massive suitcases, was hard work and something from a Pratchett novel.

Eventually we checked into our Robot Hotel, but the robots weren't working, and it took them and quite a few staff to check us in. Pointless. Bladerunner we have not yet found you. 

 What we did find was an Irish Bar downstairs and it was Happy Hour so more of that Super Dry stuff for Bryn and I whilst the girls went out looking for views.  Its a bit of nightime viewing for us now, Karaoke bars and perhaps a bit more grub to get through another full throttle day

The beers gone down far too well, the bar snacks just about kept up the fortitude, the Karaoke bar/booth was interesting.  The sign in experience was like you were heading into something far more seedy (not that I would know of course) but an hour in your private booth singing like no - one is listening .. I stuck some evidence on Facebook .. no - one should be listening.

The beer going down well but a little voice did remind me 6 hrs sleep in 48 + hrs, something may have to give soon!

I'm afraid Carys sends her apologies ... too much to see, too little time ...


  1. I love how much you pack into a day on these holidays - an amazing read.

    The breakfast was exceptional - I can't image how curry and chips made it on the agenda, but they don't look bad.

    I've been told the rooms would be small, but they really are tiny, still unless you were staying for a while then as long as it is bigger than the bed and has a nice bathroom, what more could you want!

    Pity that the robots weren't working at the Robot Hotel, that really would spoil your fun.

    The Kareoke looks like fun - and sounds even funnier - thanks for sharing the video.

  2. Where do you get your energy from - minimum sleep, maximum activities!!! Wow!!! All good for a super holiday. Thanks for sharing all this with us - pleased you are all enjoying it so much. Eating/walking/drinking....and even singing. Robots included...flipping heck!!!!

  3. Loving the singing and the robots!

  4. Loving karaoke, omg those robots.....looks amazing xx

  5. Tracey Underwood1 July 2023 at 13:37

    Loving the karaoke......those robots are unbelievable......love following you guys......enjoy xxx


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